Monday, March 3, 2008

iPhone SDK, Google Webmaster Gadgets

Only two more days for the iphone SDK! I am looking forward to it (but what mac fan isn't). I just hope Apple doesn't lobotomize it. I read that the same people who jailbroke the iphone, are now working on Apple's version of the App Tap Installer. I have to admit however, adding bookmarks to the home screen is great. Its done its job to hold me over before I am salivating over real touch screen applications. It is very nice though because I do SEO work and I can book mark all my stat pages and call them up with only one click.
On the topic of SEO, Google has made available iGoogle gadgets for the Webmaster tools. If you are a webmaster this is a must. The dashboard is easy to use and you can quickly access important information about how Google is treating your website. It is nice to be able to get this information right on my homepage. A piece of advice for using the webmaster tools, watch out when you post your sitemaps. Google has made the tool very flexible because if you have FTP access to your site, you can very easily verify it. The problem with this is that sitemaps that are loaded for a domain, are specific to the google account that loads them. If two Google accounts have verified the domain, both accounts can upload sitemaps independently of each other. If you have one account that has an outdated sitemap that you have forgotten about, you might be telling Google to look for pages that aren't there anymore. It can be frustrating if you are wondering where Google is picking up bad links from.

Adam's PHP5 fact

Don't forget the
foreach construct isn't just for arrays. You can also use it to loop through public object properties too! And if you need to loop through protected and private properties, you can build an iterator function into the class the reference internal class properties.

php5 OOP Iterations

Thanks and have a good night!